The Dangers of Nuclearizing Iran

Madison K. 

There had been a widespread debate about whether or not Iran should be allowed nuclear weapons. Both sides use compelling arguments as to why and why no these dangerous weapons should be placed in the hands of Iran. On one hand it can be argued that these weapons will shift the powers of the world back into balance. Why should one country get the privilege of controlling such weapons and not others? Kenneth Waltz also argues that the fear surrounding these countries is irrational and needs to be critically looked at. There is no way that a country would expedite their own destruction just to show the world of their capabilities. Leaders must be more rational than that. On the other hand the fear that these weapons will get into the wrong hands or be used for bad is very supported. The leader of Iran at the times was Saddam Hussein. He was definitely an extremist and in the eyes of many could use these for destruction. How could the world trust a man who killed thousands to not use these weapons to do that on a more widespread scale.  I agree with this viewpoint. There is always going to be an unfair power in balance in this world, it's inevitable. But giving a very dangerous man the capability to harm not only more of his own people but people all around the world is a terrible idea.  Some say get rid of Hussien and then allow Iran to set up an election then they will have access to these weapons. This will not only take years but would pose the threat of a terrorist group taking control and if that didn’t happen, he had a lot of followers. Yes it's unfair that Iran doesn’t have access to nuclear weapons but that's life. They are not stable, run by extremists, and have the constant threat of a terrorist organization breathing down their back. The threat of attack is definitely a possibility and needs to be considered and not overlooked. The fact that Hussien has killed thousands of people is not something that makes me rational or should deter anyone from fearing him. How is that confronting and how does that make people fear of him dramatized? All in all, weaponizing Iran could prove more dangerous for not only the US but its allies. 


  1. I agree with your point of view that Iran should not have nuclear weapons, however I do not agree with the idea that countries do not use nuclear weapons to showcase their capabilities. I believe that the presence of nuclear weapons themselves is heavily based on the idea that simply having nuclear weapons showcases that particular states power. I believe that if provoked, states can be very likely to use nuclear weapons to send a message, even if there is a chance there may be retaliation. I think this is also based on the fact of whether that particular state has second strike capabilities and the strength of the opposing state.


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