Lack of representation in Global Health

 Suzanne Hannigan

Professor Mark Shirk

International Politics

November 29 2021

The underrepresentation in global health is overwhelming in all demographics. Specifically it is incredibly surprising how women are underrepresented in global health considering they make up half of the world’s population. Global health is, in my opinion, something that should have full representation especially considering the fact that health effects people of different nationalities, gender, etc. differently. This underrepresentation of  women in global health closely relates to how women are not accurately represented in the health based decision in their own country. How can we expect women to be accurately represented globally, when women are not represented domestically? Specifically in the United States, women are not accurately represented when making decisions about reproductive and abortion laws and regulations. This underrepresentation allows for people who these laws do not affect to be making decisions for the rights of others. How is it possible to make educated decisions about national and global health if the specific people who it effects cannot explain their side or be apart of these decisions?

I believe a reason that accurate representation is so difficult to have in global health directly relates to the fact that one person from a specific demographic cannot speak for the experiences of that whole population. The “Silenced Voices in Global Health” article explains that one group is not a “homogeneous bodies with one representation, identity, or objective.” Representation is hard to fully encompass but that does not mean it should not be strived for. Global health should include more people from different demographics, not just the typical white male. I feel it is incredibly important for women to be on the forefront of better representation.


  1. I completely agree. In order for everyone to be represented and spoken for, it is important for diversity to be something insitutions and industries strive for.

  2. Exactly. The only problem is in order for this to be effective everyone must be on board and to want to have a more inclusive government. This is however not the case and this makes adding representation to decisions on global health all the more difficult.


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